
About the Contributors


Beau Branson (Book Editor) did his PhD in philosophy at the University of Notre Dame under Richard Cross. His research focuses on the philosophy of the early Church Fathers and lies at the intersection of ancient history, contemporary metaphysics, and philosophy of religion. He is currently Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Brescia University in Owensboro, KY. For more more information on his research, including links to papers and videos, visit Beau’s website.

Christina Hendricks (Series Editor) is a Professor of Teaching in Philosophy at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC, Canada, where she often teaches Introduction to Philosophy courses. She is also the Academic Director of the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (2018-2023). Christina has been an open education researcher and advocate for a number of years, having been a BCcampus Open Textbook Fellow, an OER Research Fellow with the Open Education Group, the Creative Commons Canada representative to the CC Global Network, and a member of the Board of Directors for the Canadian Legal Information Institute.


Beau Branson (see above, under “Editors”)

Marcus William Hunt is a PhD candidate in philosophy at Tulane University. His research interests include the philosophy of the emotions, a topic that ranges over philosophy of mind and philosophy of religion, as well as the philosophy of the family, which ranges over applied ethics and social philosophy.

Timothy Knepper is Professor of Philosophy at Drake University, where he directs The Comparison Project, a public program in global, comparative religion and local, lived religion. He is the author of books on the future of the philosophy of religion (The Ends of Philosophy of Religion, Palgrave, 2013) and Dionysius the Areopagite (Negating Negation, Wipf & Stock, 2014). He has also edited student-written photo-narratives about religion in Des Moines, Iowa and in Beijing, China as well as The Comparison Project’s lecture and dialogue series on ineffability and on death and dying.

Robert Sloan Lee did his undergraduate work at the University of North Texas in Denton and his graduate work in philosophy (MA and PhD) at Wayne State University in Detroit. He now lives in Texas with his wife Elizabeth and daughter Brighton. His areas of academic interest and research include philosophy of religion, science and religion, epistemology, and the works of Plato, Boethius, Anselm, George Berkeley, David Hume, and Brand Blanshard.

Steven Steyl is a PhD candidate at the University of Notre Dame Australia. He specialises in ethics, political philosophy, and philosophy of religion. He has taught philosophy of religion at the University of Auckland, the University of Sydney, and the University of Notre Dame Australia. Most of his current research is in moral philosophy, specifically the concept of care and its application to contemporary moral issues like migration and conversion therapy.

Hans Van Eyghen studies theology and philosophy at the Catholic University of Leuven. He obtained his PhD at VU Amsterdam. His research focuses on the epistemology of religious belief and cognitive science of religion.


Thomas D. Carroll is Senior Lecturer in General Education at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), where he teaches courses in Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Core GE. His areas of specialization are comparative ethics, history of analytic philosophy, and philosophy of religion.

Helena Fisher is in her final year of BA philosophy at University College London. Her research focuses on theories of self, causality, time and persistence. Her first publication (IJTPS, May 2019) discusses the cogency of conceiving of God and Humanity as free agents with interpersonal and inter-causal relations. She is the first undergraduate to have been published in the IJTPS journal. She plans to complete a Master’s in philosophy of religion.

Finley Lawson is a part-time PhD student at Christ Church University. He received a BA in philosophy and theology and a Master of Research in philosophy (focused on philosophy of science and religion) from the University of London. His thesis examines the implications of scientific metaphysics on our understanding of persons (human and divine). Finley also works as a research fellow for the LASAR (Learning about Science and Religion) Centre at Canterbury Christ Church University examining how the dialogue between STEM, religion, and the wider humanities can be fostered in the British primary and secondary curriculum.

Other contributors

Colleen Cressman (copy editor) is a librarian who works on open-access initiatives out of the Office for Scholarly Communication at Harvard Library. She is interested especially in doing her small part to increase the free and open availability of academic philosophy to students, scholars, and enthusiasts.

Chris Hubbard (formatting in Pressbooks) works part-time in social media and community relations and is an HR intern. He recently completed a Master’s in English at Ohio Dominican University and studied philosophy and psychology as an undergraduate. Some of his philosophical interests include ethics, metaphysics, and aesthetics.

Jonathan Lashley (cover designer) worked in the visual design industry before pursuing his career in education full-time. When he isn’t supporting open, online, and technology-enhanced learning at public institutions across the United States, he enjoys lending his creative skills to projects like this one.

Heather Salazar (cover artwork) is an artist and professor of philosophy. She specializes in figurative charcoals and monotypes, as well as vivid oil paintings of landscapes and objects of meditation. Salazar’s art is deeply impacted by her philosophical research in metaethics, philosophy of mind and East-West comparative philosophy. Her art graces the covers philosophy books such as The Philosophy of Spirituality (Brill 2018) and Introduction to Philosophy of Mind (Rebus 2019).

We would also like to acknowledge the many philosophy students, faculty and researchers who have contributed to the project by providing comments along the way, such as discussions on the Rebus Community platform when we were originally envisioning the series and what topics should be included, as well as giving feedback on drafts of chapter outlines for books. There have been many very helpful contributions from too many people to list here, and the books would not have come together without them.


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Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Religion Copyright © 2020 by Beau Branson; Marcus William Hunt; Timothy D Knepper; Robert Sloan Lee; Steven Steyl; Hans Van Eyghen; Beau Branson (Book Editor); and Christina Hendricks (Series Editor) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.